Saturday, January 16, 2016

Globalization and India – OUR STRENGTHS

Remember, globalization is inescapable. It is good. What we can’t prevent we must embrace.
Thanks to IT industry. We became global force. Secondly. Western world is looking at us as the growing market. Our growing middle class is creating a market and our brain drain and skilled and unskilled labour force is helping the countries to get cheap labour. While the American middle class struggles to stay solvent, India’s has more than tripled in last 20 years to 250 million – almost the size of US population.
India is booming. That is why US is moaning and groaning about us. People are burned up about outsourcing. They get annoyed when they have to go through Indian customer service representatives to get help with their American products. But from the standpoint of infusing business with creativity and opportunity, it is a great thing India has taken this niche and run it. What once was a nation identified with its teeming masses and abject poverty is emerging – somewhat chaotically, but legitimately – as a partner in progress.
India is and was known for its poverty. But today India has become fastest-growing economies in the world. THIS IS IN THE LARGE PART DUE TO ITS DOMINANCE IN THE HIGH TECHNOLOGY FIELDS. (If you think Americans are too cell-phone crazy, try walking down a city street in India. Everyone is plugged in all the time, What’s App or Facebook.) 

Conclusion : Make in India, Skill India , Start-Up India Digital India are the projects which will make us global player. We missed the industrial revolution , now we can't miss this globalization.

-         Based on Extracts taken from the Book by Lee Iacocca – ‘Where Have All The Leaders Gone?’   

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